Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Katy meets Isabella

We have been looking for an awing that will go on the back for a while. We did actually get one that was meant for a caravan which we tried out and took to France with us on the Alps trip, but it was bulky, had to be taken down even for a short move and  in the end because it was too short I tore the top of it with the door when  I opened it one time 

After a spot of recent browsing I came across this small over door porch https://www.isabella.net/uk/accessories/details/door-canopy-for-caravan-black which was meant to be self supporting and just needs fastening to the bodywork or holding down with 2 pegs of you are on soft ground 

I had hoped to try it out on the Gower trip, however even though the sun was shining it was a bit windy to try something new so this last weekend we tried it on the drive and it is above the door which is perfect. 

I also recon that if we wanted to we could drive a short slow trip (to a local shop etc) without having to take it apart

That will certainly do for now until I can design (or even better get someone to design and build) a proper solution that can be bolted onto the roof rack and pulled out as needed with a capability to put it away in a very short time 

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Three Cliffs

It's a nice place for a spot of relaxation, but I can't help feeling it's a bit posh for us because the camp site has gone an awfully long way up market since I last stayed here

Having said that we're in the original camping field and the steep slope of it has meant some serious use of the wedges and some careful driving to get me a level bed for the night. 

I think the view from the back step is worth the hard work!