Saturday, 9 June 2012

And Half a Seat Onwards

Following some useful advice on Land Rover Owner Rhian fixed the drivers seat for me.

It turned out that the strip at the back was actually a clip on the cover which when undone allowed the cover to be rolled up the seat (there were a few clips that needed to be op4ened with pliers and closed up again later.

The foam had split up the the frame so it was then able to be pushed aside so she pulled everything back into place and applied plenty of duck tape. If that's not successful at least we know how to do it and we can replace the foam.

So today I fitted the other new seat and now we have 2 fully functional (slide and backrest adjustable) and tidy looking seats.

One thing I forgot to mention was that the carpet behind the seats was shocking pink originally

I'm sort of glad it faded

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