Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Not Katy before you worry... 

Unfortunately right outside our house tonight we had a bump (a lady passed out at the wheel (medical not alcohol  and hit someone hear on. Luckily she had slowed to about 20 MPH when it happened and the other car was slowing hard as well so no-one badly hurt and once the paramedics had done their job every walked away.

The paramedic who turned up did so very quickly in a very fast looking Landy ...

With a lot of expensive kit in the back

 Tidy snorkel

And lights everywhere

This was a very well equipped vehicle and shows the preparedness of the services who use them.

It is good to see a Landy doing a good job and I have to say that I saw excellent work by the paramedics who kindly said I could take pictures of their car

Mind you I had and won a good argument with the PC who took exception to that - it's a pity that more police do not know the actual law

All ended well which is even nicer - apparently it was a medical reason that caused the young lady to lose consciousness at the wheel, not alcohol. She'll be prevented from driving until she's got medication sorted out, but it could have been a lot worse

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