Sunday, 6 September 2020

Heavy Metal - Part 1

 Ok, it's just the start of one corner, but the rebuild has started properly now with some real metal going back in place of the fresh air and rust that was in this position just a couple of days ago. 

Just a quick spray of primer to keep any moisture away over the weekend and it will be back to it on Monday. There is a long way to go and a lot more to do before she will be back in one piece, but it's a positive step forwards


  1. Looking better already! I think getting one of these may be a retirement project, they have them for sale in the very next state (see here I grew up in a Series II A that Dad bought in 1963 alas was sold in 1986 with the farm. Miss it lots!
    keep up the good work! It will be great when it's done!

  2. You've done some work to her since I last saw her buddy. Mind you that must have been a good 2 years ago now. Katy is looking well.


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