Saturday, 7 May 2011

I didn't think I was going to get home

Having taken Katy up to see Steve Walford, and him agreeing all was not well with the gearbox I admit to getting some over confidence.

On the way back from that trip she actually drive well so today after sorting out a fuel pipe and pump problem ( just tighten up a loose Jubilee clip and a loose electrical connection I decided to head off to find one of the local Land Rover specialists that have been recommended to me

This was also a test drive to decide whether to take Katy to the Pencoed Classic Car Show where we are booked in tomorrow which would be a bit more serious with a 36 mile motorway trip

I really wish I hadn't as I nearly didn't get home

I am even more convinced now that she has a gearbox problem. The inability to get into 4th gear even when standing and having de-cluched into neutral is probably a big clue. Not being able to get in to 2nd most of the time and the rattling and grinding in 1st and 3rd is all leading me to believe that there is a serious transmission problem

This is not going to be cheap !

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