Monday, 5 September 2022

Fault Finding and Removals

Having found the mess inside the timing cover the next steps were to start removing parts to see what was the result, 

First off was the timing belt, cut through with a blade it was easy to spot the faulty part  which had been stripped and almost broken through

Then some more investigation under the rocker cover to see what damage there may be. On first look things are at least oily and together

But on checking them (one at a time to keep them in their original place) two were discovered to be not a straight as they should be . 

So two of them were added to the parts list I need for the rebuild. next step was to get the injector pump off and send that to a specialist to see if that was the root cause. First step detach the pipes to the injectors (which I put caps on to stop any dirt getting in)

Then detach the pipes from the back of the pump and remove them

 Which gives access to remove the electrical connection 

Then remove the fuel pipes going to the unit

And finally the three bolts at the front and the ones at the back as well 

And it's free

A bit of wrangling and it's out and ready to send to the specialist 

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